Category Archives: Crossfit

2012 Crossfit Games

Craig and I are back to reality today.  Got in around midnight last night from our trip to California. Good times with some great people.
It truly was pretty darn awesome to watch our friends compete in the Crossfit Games.  They did very well, finishing 22nd in the whole wide world!
The pic below was taken as they were being introduced.  I love that Chelsea was always looking for the fans in the stands. (Chelsea is the one smiling and waving.) 




Well, we made it to “The Golden State” safe and sound!  The hubs and I made this trip to support our box, CF Adrenaline, as they compete in the Crossfit Games.   I was pretty excited until we stepped off the plane.  LA isn’t really much to brag about.  Except for the amazing coastlines. Oh, and the amazing weather (in the 70s). There also seems to be a lack of “well-nourished” people around here.  It’s not like what you see on TV.  Then again, I just got here.  I’m not in the know…and…I really probably just don’t know what I am talking about.  

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