Category Archives: Food/Recipes

Pumpkin Spice Latte All Cleaned Up!


Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spice Latte
How tasty does that look?
Too bad it makes me FAT!

On a side note, have I mentioned how much I love Pinterest?
I know it’s old news.  Truly, it is the best place to discover new ideas.
I ran across a pin a while back and decided to save it so that I could give it a try when the fall season approached.

Dessert Disaster…Almost


Another weekend has flown by!  I had a houseful.  My friends Amy and Cilla were visiting from Boston.  Another friend, Bonnie (Amy’s twin) and her two kids (ages 5 and 3) were visiting from Florida.  Lots of good times were made and I say the same thing every time…wish we all lived closer.  Oh well.  These are the types of friends that you have had forever and even though you only see each other a couple times a year, nothing ever changes.  Know what I mean?  I love that.  
Today marks day #7 that the hubs and I have started our own strict Paleo challenge.  We are shooting for 90 days and so far so good.  
Scratch that.
Craig had a little mishap the other night.  My non-Paleo friends ordered pizza and Craig snuck in a slice.  He said it was totally worth it.  I believed him.
Well, I decided that I needed some sort of dessert for the weekend.  My favorite candy is Reece’s.  Hands down, that creamy peanut buttery goodness is ah-may-zing.  Not allowed to have peanuts or anything processed so I decided to make my own.   

Yummy and Healthy!

Hey hey errbody!  I should so delete that and use proper english…buttttt I’m not. 
I tried out a new and tasty recipe tonight and I am soooo excited to share it!  I found it on the blog PaleOMG.  For all you Crossfitters, please visit her site.  She crossfits, has a blog full of Paleo recipes, AND she is flippin’ hilarious!!  Seriously, she cracks me up so go visit her!  
The recipe is called “Chicken Enchilada Stew”.  Watch out cause it is S-to-the-PICY!  I know, I know…who makes a stew in 100 degree weather?  This girl!  
One of the best things about this recipe is the simple use of a crockpot!  So all I had to do was take all of this…